2023 Competition

Greening Cities, Sustaining Lives

2024 theme will be announced in Oct 2023

Theme of 2023

"Developing solutions for sustainable cities!"

Climate change. It is recognised as a global emergency, and as the increasingly catastrophic weather hits countries around the world, the droughts, floods and fires indicate that the environment is changing.

The young people of today will live in the changing world of tomorrow. The world and humans need to adapt our ways of life so that the future is sustainable.

The BIEA 2023 Youth STEAM Competition gives young people, the adults of tomorrow, an opportunity to cast their minds into the future, and use creative foresight to help come up with ideas to ensure that humans of the future can live in harmony with the planet.

Cities have high densities of people living, working and travelling in one area, to the detriment of the natural world. In this year’s competition, we would like you to focus on a city close to where you live. Can we use innovative ideas and green technologies to ensure sustainable buildings, landscapes and transport in cities, so that humans and nature can co-exist in harmony? Can we develop a future where fossil fuels have become a thing of history, and only renewable energy sources and sustainable materials are used?

Courtesy from UCLA. Learn about the various ways that sustainability is defined. Visit for more information

What people expect to see at the 2023 STEM competition - comments from audience at the BIEA 2023 STEM Forum

Competition Requirements

The 2023 competition is primarily aimed at students aged 6 to 17/18 (secondary schools). We welcome university undergraduate students' submissions, these could be exemplary examples for the younger age groups. The competition will be accepting online submissions. Students can enter as part of a team (of up to five) or as an individual competitor (however, individual entries may lose marks in the team aspect). Schools may have more than one entry. Students who cannot attend school may submit entries as individual competitors, although all competitors under 18 or in high school must be registered by a responsible adult (e.g. teacher or parent).

Subject Cities

This year's competition has attracted interest from around the world and a number of cities and their mayor's offices are involved. Take a look at the list below and maybe you would like to challenge your team to help one of these subject cities to reach its sustainability goals! There will be special awards for subject city solutions.

Slavutych (Ukraine)
Kukes (Albania)
Nassau (Bahamas)
Chong Qing (China)
Bogota (Columbia)
Pula (Croatia)
Lagos (Nigeria)
Brighton (UK)
Oceanside (USA)
Sofia (Bulgaria)

We have added new subject cities from the recent earthquake disaster, please challenge yourself to help rebuild the cities sustainably.

Iskenderun (Turkey)
Aleppo (Syria)


In 2023, the focus is on bringing several informative and exciting events to our audience on the theme of sustainable cities, ESGs and STEM education.

The working schedule is currently as follows (amended):

16th January 2023 - Competition Guideline Publication, register to receive the download link.

21 March 2023 - STEM Forum. The forum was hosted in the Houses of Parliament, to view the presentation video playlist click the link here

Project Submission Deadline Extended: 30 June 2023

July 2023 - Results

October 2023 - 17th October 2023 International Showcase at the London Museum Docklands in London. 18th October 2023 Dialogue 4 International STEM Youth (D4ISY) Forum at Houses of Parliament.

All events will be published via Eventbrite.

sustainable city

We Need Your Support

We welcome participation from cities, industry experts, volunteers from all over the world. Please join us in "Greening Cities and Sustaining Lives'! Click on the relevant buttons below to express your interest.

Subject City Nomination

The 2023 selection has closed. We will consider nominations for 2024. Nomination is accepted from official city representatives.

Be an Ambassador, Expert or Volunteer

Your support can make a huge difference to our STEM events. Whether you would like to be an ambassador supporting students locally, sharing industry expertise to a worldwide audience or helping BIEA make the experience better for everyone, just let us know.

Awards & Honours

Rewards for your hard work

We are continuing our efforts to get the best possible rewards for the competition. For the 2023 competition, winning solutions could be implemented for real in subject cities.

The list below is an example of previous years awards:

  • Grand Prize
  • Champion
  • First Prize
  • Second Prize
  • Third Prize
  • Outstanding Achievement Award
  • Best Report Award
  • Rising Stars
  • Chairman's Award

Special Awards:

  • BIEA STEM Star Awards

The BIEA STEM Star Awards is an accreditation programme from the British International Education Association, it’s designed to encourage student development in the STEM subjects. Students' achievements in the BIEA International STEM Youth Innovation Competition is assessed at silver level. The awards is available to UK and international students with a small admin charge. To order: BIEA STEM Stars

Team Curious won the top awards in 2021. Here they show us how they unboxed the Pi-Tops robotic kits prize. 

Thank you!