2025 Competition

Feast Forward, Cultivating Change for the Planet

Theme of 2025

"How can we feed the growing population sustainably?"

All animals on the planet must eat. Whether we are vegetarians, omnivores or carnivores, the food chains for all land animals begin with plants. The world's human population is over eight billion people, and we all need food. Human food production requires huge amounts of fresh water and uses enormous areas of land, with half of the world’s habitable land already used by agriculture.

As we use more land for farming, we lose forests and wilderness and reduce biodiversity. Agriculture is also responsible for a quarter of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, helping to drive climate change, rising carbon dioxide levels and a warming world. Changing rainfall patterns mean that some areas now receive too much water and others not enough. These factors are reducing food crop yields, not only of key crops like maize, wheat and rice but all plants, including chocolate, coffee and sugar.

Advanced crop genetic engineering and new seed development are helping keep things growing for the moment, but as climate change advances and the human population continues to grow, new ways of intensively producing food need to be developed (without using any more precious land).

Courtesy from TED-ED. Explore the innovative ways countries are revolutionizing farming to ensure we can feed humanity in a way that works with the environment.

Competition Requirements

The 2025 competition is primarily aimed at students aged 6 to 17/18 (secondary schools). We welcome university undergraduate students' submissions, these could be exemplary examples for the younger age groups. The competition will be accepting online submissions. Students can enter as part of a team (of up to five) or as an individual competitor (however, individual entries may lose marks in the team aspect). Schools may have more than one entry. Students who cannot attend school may submit entries as individual competitors, although all competitors under 18 or in high school must be registered by a responsible adult (e.g. teacher or parent).


In 2025, the focus is on bringing several informative and exciting events to our audience on sustainable food, agricultural innovation and STEM education.

The working schedule is currently as follows (subject to change):

10 December 2024 - Report Stage Guideline Publication, register to receive the download link.

3 March 2025 (Online)- Sustainable Food STEM Forum. Register on Eventbrite to participate and for playback sessions.

30 March 2025 - Report submission closed

June 2025 - International Round (online)

1 July 2025 - Final and Showcase in London

2 July 2025 - Youth STEM Forum 2025, Westminster City Hall, London

We Need Your Support

We welcome participation from organisations, industry experts, volunteers from all over the world. Please join us in "Feast Forward, Cultivating Change for the Planet'! Click on the relevant buttons below to express your interest.

Sponsor Us

Sponsorship plays a pivotal role in ensuring the continuity and accessibility of the BIEA STEM Challenge and related events, allowing us to offer these experiences free of charge to our participants. These sponsorships directly contribute to providing resources, materials, and opportunities necessary for young minds to engage, innovate, and excel in STEM. By partnering with us, sponsors not only support the enrichment of our participants but also actively contribute to fostering a future generation of skilled innovators and problem solvers in the STEM landscape.

Collaborate with BIEA

Our mission is to empower young minds through STEM education, providing industry-relevant knowledge and opportunities. We look forward to exploring potential collaborations that will further this goal. Your support is invaluable in shaping the future of our youth in STEM.

Be an Ambassador, Expert or Volunteer

Your support can make a huge difference to our STEM events. Whether you would like to be an ambassador supporting students locally, sharing industry expertise to a worldwide audience or helping BIEA make the experience better for everyone, just let us know.

Awards & Honours

Rewards for your hard work

We are continuing our efforts to get the best possible rewards for the competition.

The list below is an example of previous years awards:

  • Grand Prize
  • Champion
  • First Prize
  • Second Prize
  • Third Prize
  • Outstanding Achievement Award
  • Best Report Award
  • Rising Stars
  • Chairman's Award

Special Awards:

  • BIEA STEM Star Awards

The BIEA STEM Star Awards is an accreditation programme from the British International Education Association, it’s designed to encourage student development in the STEM subjects. Students' achievements in the BIEA International STEM Youth Innovation Competition is assessed at silver level. The awards is available to UK and international students with a small admin charge. To order: BIEA STEM Stars

BIEA Youth Forum 2024 at the Westminster City Hall

Thank you!