BIEA STEM 2022 Rebuild Challenge
Rebuild Education Rebuild Hope
Urgent call to help to fundraise to rebuild schools in Ukraine and other disaster-hit countries.
Imagine your school had to be rebuilt from scratch, how would you design it, so you and your fellow classmates can have the best education you deserve!
Students have the opportunity to submit their design ideas as entries and the best designs will be shared globally through the BIEA network!
Schools and education are considered one of the most important factors in helping future generations exist in harmony with the natural environment. Achieving inclusive and quality education for all is Goal Four of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Education, where all young people complete primary and secondary school education, is seen as one of the most powerful factors towards a sustainable, more equitable future.
Many things can contribute to making access to education difficult. Natural disasters such as flooding, drought, landslide, earthquake and wildfires, and man-made catastrophes, such as territorial conflict and war, can destroy school buildings, making education inaccessible for young people.
In this project, we are asking you to consider how you would choose to sustainably rebuild your school if given the opportunity to redesign all the buildings. You will consider how new school buildings might fit into your local environment and how you would make them a safe and welcoming safe place for education to continue.
This BIEA STEM Project is flexible so there are no wrong answers – we just want you to show us how creative and innovative you can be!
Project Outline
A) Produce a presentation to give to your local council or local leaders outlining your designs for a new school. You can use the Internet, books and media articles to research information and use this to develop new design ideas for your school buildings.
You will need to include the following information in your presentation:
- School Background
Indicate whether you are building a primary or a secondary school. How many children will attend the school and how many children in each class (this will give you an idea of how many classrooms you need to build). Will you need any additional spaces? Canteen, playground, assembly hall, teacher area, sports areas?
- School Location
Where have you decided to place your new school site? What are the local environment and climate like? Are there any risk factors or environmental hazards you need to account for (for example, floodwaters from local rivers)? How will you lower any risk from these hazards?
- Sustainable Buildings
What materials will you build the school from? Are they sustainable? How will you make sure that the school functions sustainably when it opens to pupils?
- Building Designs
How will you make sure the school is both safe and welcoming? Draw plans to illustrate your new school and add them to your presentation. You might draw an outline of the whole school from above. Remember to label key areas. Draw an example classroom and label key points that will be of interest to your audience.
Please make sure to reference your sources and add these to the end of your presentation (a website name will be fine for internet sources).
B) Optional video – this is not compulsory for the entry. We encourage you to make a short simple video (less than 3 min) about anything you want to share about your project. The video could be about what inspired your designs, project evaluation, challenges you faced during the project and how you overcame them. Keep it fun and creative! Please don’t use copyrighted images or music for the video.
C) A team photo – in high resolution (file size between 1MB to 5MB), please.
- The competition is open to students from all countries aged between 6 and 18 years old (date of birth before September 2022). If you are older, we still welcome your entry for the exhibition and you can help us fundraise.
- You may submit work as part of a team or as an individual.
- Submission must be in English.
- If under the age of 18, the teacher or parent must submit the entry on behalf of the participant(s).
- Full qualifying submissions will receive the BIEA STEM Star Bronze e-Certificate
Important Dates
Submission Deadline Extended: Ongoing
Exhibition & Fundraising: Oct/Nov 2022
How to Enter
- Entries are to be submitted through the Online Submission Form (Google Form). If you can’t access Google Form, please click and download the MSWord copy of the Submission Form. You can email the submission to
- We suggest you put all your documents in a shared cloud drive and share the link via the submission form with BIEA to download.
- Submission checklist:
- A presentation in PDF.
- An optional video of less than 5minutes (we can only accept video links such as Youtube links, we physically can’t accept large video files).
- A team photo.
- Submission Form if entry is sent via email.
- Only one entry per person is allowed.
- People under the age of 18 must have permission from a teacher or parent or guardian to enter/submit.
- BIEA will not assume any responsibility for late submissions or corrupted files. Likewise, BIEA will not be held responsible for technical errors that prevent participants from sending their materials within the deadline.
- Incomplete submissions, submissions that do not follow the above-mentioned specifications, and submissions not related to the topic or that show signs of plagiarism in texts or engage in obscene, racist, violent, or defamatory content, will be automatically disqualified.
- BIEA reserves the right to disqualify any participant or submission at its sole discretion.
- Please read the Rules & Terms of the competition.
File Naming
Presentation file: country_schoolname_teamnickname_rebuildchallenge_presentation.pdf
Team photo: country_schoolname_teamnickname_teamphoto.ext (ext= PNG or JPG).
Video file: We can only accept shared Youtube or similar platform link.
- UK_KentCollege_TeamGreenWarrior_rebuildchallenge_presentation.pdf
- UK_KentCollege_TeamGreenWarrior_rebuildchallenge_teamphoto.jpg
- Youtube video link:
Any questions, please contact Laura/Helen,
Fundraising effort continues...
Please donate generously to our Charity partner UNICEF to help those children and their families whose lives are destroyed by disasters and war.
Donate to UNICEF